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Friday, June 8, 2012

The Ghost Unit - Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Flashback 1 (1990)

Interpol HQ.

'Sir we have received word that a General Vladimir Bolchikov has found "The Butcher" and is taking him to the KGB HQ. What would you like us to do?'

'Thank you Patty. I want to meet the General. Get me the jet and clear my calendar for the rest of the day.' Says the director of Interpol.

An hour later, the director boards the jet and sets off to Moscow to meet the General.

KGB HQ in Moscow.

'General there is somebody here to meet you and says it is important. He is not telling us his name. He just asked me to give this to you.' The assistant hands the General and envelope.

The General takes it and opens it and pulls our a business card. He turns to the assistant. 'Send the gentleman in.'

A minute later the door to the General's office open and the man walks in.

'So what does the director of Interpol want to meet me for?'

'Ah General. Thank you for meeting me at short notice. But there is something important I need to discuss with you.'

'Really? What is so important that you need my help?'

'I hear the KGB has caught 'The Butcher'.'

'Yes you are right. Do not tell me that you want to take claim for catching her.'


'Yes. Did you not know 'The Butcher' is a woman? Her name is Gabrielle Estonia. How did this information slip the Interpol.'

'Well General our resources are not as liberal or as thorough as yours and that is why I am here today.'

'Ok does that mean you need me to catch another criminal for you?'

'Yes and No.'

'Which one is it?'

'Yes I want you to catch criminals and No not for me.'

'So speak up and tell me what you have in mind.'

The director of Interpol looks at the General and sighs before he starts. 'What I have to say does not leave this room. The interpol is looking to start a covert team that is independant of every government action and authority. We have a proposal to set up what we want to call the Ghost Unit. A unit that is invisible to everybody. I am here today to ask you to be part of it and head the team. You will be in charge of the entire operations of the Ghost Unit. What do you say?'

The General gives him a straight face that covers the true confusion and joy the General is feeling inside. 'If I agree do I get full authority? What about finances.'

The director smiles at him. 'You get full authority although you do have to report to me on all you are doing. You call all the shots. About the finances. There is no cap to the spending. Every government has agreed to offer all the assistance and funding they can. Your team will be the ultimate force to combat terrorism and crime.'

'Who else is part of my team? You said the Ghost Unit will be invisible to everybody. What did you mean?' Asks the General.

'Exactly what it means. The members of the Ghost Unit will not be known by anybody outside the unit. It is vital for the operation of the unit. The only people who know the members of the unit will be myself and the heads of the various departments at Interpol. The reason being we need to know who gets the ultimate clearance that only our team can provide.'

'No Director. If you want me to lead this team you have to give me the authority to decide who knows. Your team may be great but I will decide which of them needs to know of the Ghosts. The remaining will be replaced by people I chose. All your men who are selected will be part of the Ghost Unit and will answer to me and report to me. If that is not fine with you then you can find somebody else to head the unit.' Replies the General.

'Fine. You can have the freedom to do so.'

'So Director. If the only people who are to know the existance of the Ghosts are you and the rest of the Ghost team, how do you intend on recruiting people who are heroes in their field of operations? Others will know them. You can't possibly think all of them will undergo plastic surgery. What about family?'

'Yes General. I was coming to that. We plan on faking the deaths of the people we recruit. It is dangerous to have their families know where they are. We want to keep the families out of harms way. About surgery. That won't be required. We have something in place that will shock the hell out of you.'

'Ok now where do we operate from?'

'Ah we have a secret facility that's been built just for the Ghosts.'

A hint of surprise flashes on the General's face. He then asks the director 'You said its a secret facility. How can it be a secret facility when there were people who built it? They know it exists.'

'General you have so little faith in us. We hired one of the best contractors in the world and we flew them to the location at night and they were permanently holed up at the location till the project was complete. Before you ask, the pilots are our best and they are now part of the Ghost Unit.'

'The location maybe secret but I need to interview the pilots and see their records for myself first before I agree to have them on my team. Now about the location. Where is this secret location?'

'Come I shall show it to you.'


Unknown said...

finally :D

Sitting on Edge of Seat said...

And then? And then?

And then what happens?