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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Friday the 13th - The Curse of the Undead

I know there have been quite a few of you who have been waiting for the next story to come online. Sorry it has taken to long. There were a few technical glitches which caused this delay.

This story is dedicated to Walrus. I know sci - fi ain't exactly your cup of tea but then this story was your idea.

This is a short story. If you all like it I will come up with a longer sequel. 

Friday the 13th - The Curse of the Undead 


It is said that on the 13th day of the 5th month of the 11th year of the 2nd millennia, a virgin shall leave her abode in a mass procession. This virgin shall have woken moaning and groaning with a desire and longing to be with her partner - the Casanova. She will reach an establishment of knowledge and all hell will break loose.

The following chain of events will then be triggered. 

The walls will start to bleed. All the taps will release blood. There will be women of the sisterhood at this establishment of knowledge. These members of the sisterhood are actually spawns of the beast. They will let their wings emerge and their true features surface from under the façade of innocence. Their evil eyes bore into the virgin. They hiss. They want the blood of the virgin.

The virgin enters the sanctum of knowledge under the evil gaze of the spawns of Satan. She joins fellow knowledge seekers in this unholy establishment. A minion of Satan enters the sanctum under the guise of a philosopher. Suddenly, the air goes musty and the light becomes a murky grey. The philosopher bends and the minion rears its head up at the knowledge seekers. The minion lets out an evil laugh, and suddenly, a vortex opens up behind her, sucking in the unsuspecting knowledge seekers, also known as students, into its hell hole. At the same time, the gates of purgatory open and all hell is unleashed as the undead come to the world to devour it. 

Chapter 2

The virgin runs to her group called the Bloody Marys. They jump onto their seats, each in a different attack pose. The undead proceed to attack the students. With every passing minute, the vortex gets stronger, dragging in more students. The virgin looks around trying to see what she can do. She runs atop the tables towards the minion. Before the minion can realize what is happening, the virgin launches herself into the air. Her leg catches the minion on her neck, sending her staggering back into the vortex. The vortex shuts and so do the gates of purgatory, trapping the undead from going back. The undead turn to their only source of survival - the students. 

The undead attack the students and each student bitten by the undead transforms into one of the hideous creatures of the undead. The thirst for human blood swells in them. The undead turn towards the Bloody Marys.

The Bloody Marys put their backs together and form a circle. They hold hands and chant the chant of the living. The sky grows dark before a sudden light spreads across the sky. The roof of the sanctum opens, exposing an incredibly strong light. The light shines upon the undead. Before the undead realize what is going on, their bodies start to melt and their flesh oozes off their bones. Then all of a sudden, they go up in flames. The Bloody Marys let go of their hands and walk around. All they see is piles of ash. 

The Bloody Marys leave the sanctum and the building collapses over the piles of ash. Everything around goes back to normal. The Bloody Marys leave the institute of knowledge knowing that once again the world has been saved by their heroic act again the evil minions of the Beast.


Basically Blah said...

Finally! :P What took you so long?!

Unknown said...

Technical glitch. Communication with my editor was a problem. So since I was not able to communicate with my editor she fell asleep on my story (Literally).........Oh wait ain't my editor uh u?
On a serious note...Thanks for finishing the editing...I know ur a busy bee so it means a lot tat u take the time to do the editing for me...

Kavita said...

Blah, blah, blah, we all know the it's called a "technical glitch" these days, huh!? ;-)

Let's hear more of this undead stuff. I could get used to it. Vivid imagery, btw. :-)

Unknown said...

@BB...Y don't you answer KO's question on technical glitch? Thats the best I could come up with without blaming u entirely hehehe...

@KO...I have to disappoint with this story cos its got only 2 chapters...If you really like it then I'll do a much longer sequel...

Kavita said...

Haha,you are not gonna believe this.I totally missed Chapter 2 the last time!Was it really there? Sweet J,some kinda Friday the 13th curse!;-)

Unknown said...

Nope chapter 2 was put on the next day...don't worry your vision has not yet started going...

Anonymous said...

my idea??

Unknown said...

Yeh your idea which I think you must hv forgotten as its been 4 yrs since I wrote it...

Knew you wudn't remember thats y gave the dedication.

SEPO said...

what an imagination you have got! kudos!

Unknown said...

@Sepo: Thanks...Will try to come up with more ideas like this.

Smriti said...

This is your best yet!! Reminded me of Resident Evil (think it was after-life!).

Kinx... said...

It rocked! really enjoyed it!! I would like to read more!! i will read the others! *applause*

Unknown said...

@Kinx: Thanks a lot...and yes please do read more...Glad u liked it. There's a lot more yet to come...